A major repair effort is now underway along the section of the Falmouth to Springvale corridor, between the Martha Brae and Holland communities. The project is valued at approximately $15 million and represents the second phase of a targeted approach to rehabilitating the 16-km stretch of roadway between Falmouth and Springvale. Community Relations Officer at the NWA’s Western Region, Janel Ricketts, says that the project targets approximately 500 metres of roadway and involves drainage improvement works and the reshaping and asphalting of the targeted section of the roadway using Asphaltic Concrete. The project, which is being undertaken through the Maintenance of Secondary Roads Programme, is expected to be completed by the end of April 2023. In the meantime, work is now far advanced along the Wakefield to Deeside corridor in Trelawny. The four-kilometer stretch of roadway is being rehabilitated through a contract valued at just over $145 million. The project involves drainage and base improvements, road resurfacing, sidewalk construction, the installation of a pedestrian crossing, and road markings. Ms Ricketts explains that the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, through the NWA, is now actively exploring financing options for the rehabilitation of the remaining sections of the road from Falmouth to Springvale.
$15 Million Repair Project for the Falmouth to Springvale corridor in Trelawny
Date Published:
17 Feb 2023