Construction of Drain at Cotterwood St. Elizabeth

Date Published: 
03 Feb 2015

Construction of a concrete U Drain and earth drain has commenced along the Cotterwood to Brompton main road in South West St Elizabeth.

This drain, according to the National Works Agency (NWA) is intended to mitigate flooding along the main road.

The project will cost over $3.9 million and the contract is awarded to Dwight’s Construction Limited. It is expected to be completed by March 20, 2015.

Community Relations Officer for the South Region, Howard Hendriks, says that the scope of works includes excavation, compaction, laying of foundation and patching of rutted areas of the pavement with Asphaltic Concrete.

 He says the NWA regrets any inconvenience this construction project may cause to motorists and pedestrians who use this corridor and he is advising that they obey the instructions of flag persons and posted warning signs.