Date Published:
21 Jan 2021
A section of Fletchers Street in Bog Walk, St. Catherine will be closed to vehicular traffic for two days between 9 a.m. Saturday, January 23 and 9 a.m. Monday, January 25.
The road closure is to facilitate the rehabilitation of a badly damaged section of the roadway in the vicinity of the Serge Island Dairies plant. The works will include pavement, pothole patch and repair as well as the cleaning and construction of drainage features along the targeted stretch of roadway.
For the two days, motorists travelling between the Bog Walk gorge and Linstead should access the town centre via the Linstead Bypass and Church Road.
The project, which is being carried out under the National Works Agency’s Maintenance of Secondary Road Programme, is valued at some $6.3 million dollars and forms part of the Agency’s continuing response to the impact of last year’s flood damage on the island’s road network.