Effective Tomorrow, Friday May 21, 2010 major changes will be implemented to the movement of traffic through the Red Hills Road/Washington Boulevard/Dunrobin Road intersection in St. Andrew.
Manager of Communication and Customer Services at the National Works Agency (NWA), Stephen Shaw says effective 9:00 p.m. tomorrow and continuing for a period of eight (8) months, the “ON” and “OFF” ramps located at the northern end of the Red Hills Overpass will be closed to vehicular traffic. This closure is to facilitate the demolition of the current two lane bridge that is now in use. A new three lane structure will be built. Closure of the ramps will prohibit vehicular traffic from entering Dunrobin Avenue from Red Hills Road. Motorists will also be unable to enter Red Hills Road from Washington Boulevard.
Mr. Shaw also says that Red Hills Road in the vicinity of the Underpass will be closed to vehicular traffic. The roadway is expected to be reopened at 5:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 25.
Motorists travelling south along Red Hills Road and wanting to go east along Dunrobin Avenue (i.e. towards the Dunrobin Avenue/Constant Spring Road Intersection), are therefore being advised to turn off Red Hills Road onto Elizabeth Avenue, onto Wentworth Avenue, onto Dukharan Avenue, and then onto Dunrobin Avenue. Those motorists travelling east along Washington Boulevard and wishing to go north onto Red Hills Road are being advised to turn left off Washington Boulevard onto Savannah Avenue, onto Three Views Avenue and then onto Red Hills Road.
The reverse obtains for motorists heading from the direction of Half-Way Tree wishing to travel beyond the Red Hills Road Underpass.
The works to be undertaken form part of the NWA’s US-23 million dollar project to dualise 2.5 kilometers of Washington Boulevard/Dunrobin Avenue corridor.
The NWA advises motorists to obey the instructions of flag persons and posted warning signs during the period these closures.