Multi-Million Dollar Road Repairs for Wakefield to Deeside roadway in North Trelawny

Date Published: 
20 Jul 2022

The main road from Falmouth to Springvale in Trelawny is undergoing major repairs. This corridor is to be repaired in phases. The first phase of the works commenced this week, with focus on the section from Wakefield to Deeside.


The four kilometer section of road is to be rehabilitated through a contract valued at just over $145 million. The project is being implemented by the National Works Agency (NWA), under its Maintenance of Secondary Roads Programme.


Community Relations Officer for the NWA’s Western Region, Janel Ricketts, says that the project involves drainage and base improvements, resurfacing of the roadway, sidewalk construction and installation of a pedestrian crossing and road markings. The project will target the section of road between the Wakefield Police Station and the Hastings Baptist Church.


Ms Ricketts says that, over the course of the next four months, motorists may experience delays as they traverse the corridor. Motorists are being advised to obey the posted warning signs and instructions of flag persons.


The new works will complement the recent improvements along the stretch from Dromily to Deeside. These works were completed at a cost of $17 million. The project involved drainage improvement works and the reshaping and asphalting of the targeted sections of the road.


In the meantime, Ms Ricketts explains that the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, through the NWA, was now actively exploring financial options for the rehabilitation of the remaining sections of the road from Falmouth to Springvale. These sections total some 16 kilometers, much of which require reconstruction.