North Coast Highway: Collapsed Section of Roadway

Date Published: 
23 Dec 2014

A section of the North Coast Highway just outside of Galina in the vicinity of Villa Road collapsed during days of heavy rains and flash flooding in St. Mary.

The roadway was blocked-off by the National Works Agency and signage posted to inform motorists of a temporary detour through a Parish Council Road adjacent to the Highway.

The NWA has been reliably informed that unscrupulous persons have removed the blockage and motorists are now using the collapsed section of roadway.

NWA personnel along with equipment have been dispatched to the location to replace the blockage. The NWA is appealing to motorists to desist from using the collapsed section of roadway as it is dangerous and unsafe to do so.

The NWA will inform motorists when it is safe to resume use of this section of the Highway.