Only five roadways are now left to be reopened following rain-related damage or impact associated with tropical storm Eta on the weekend. The Gordon Town Road, in St. Andrew, which will require major reinstatement works to re-establish access remains impassable. So too an inundated section of the New Market to Carmel roadway in St. Elizabeth.
National Works Agency (NWA) Communication and Customer Services Manager, Stephen Shaw, says landslides continue to restrict access to the Mahogany Vale ford in Penlyne Castle, St. Thomas; Cane River Road in St. Andrew as well as sections of the roadway from Belfield to Planters in St. Catherine. Works to remove material from the corridors, he explains, have been challenging due to muddy conditions and unstable hillsides, which continue to deposit material on the roadways.
Motorists are however now able to travel along the Irish Town Road and sections of the corridor from Guava Ridge to Silver Hill Gap using a single lane. Mr. Shaw explains that the re-establishment of access along these roadways is important as they are now functioning as alternative routes to Gordon Town Road.
The NWA is urging motorists to exercise caution when travelling in the areas of Redlight, Hardwar Gap, Guava Ridge, Irish Town and Silver Hill Gap as landslides still exist along the corridors which are susceptible to further earth movement. Motorists should also be on the lookout for falling rocks