NWA to activate four additional Traffic Lights along the Rose Hall main road in St. James

Date Published: 
09 May 2009

The National Works Agency (NWA) is advising that effective tomorrow, Sunday May 10, 2009, four additional intersections along the Rose Hall main road in St. James will be controlled by electronic signals. This roadway forms part of Segment 2A of the Northern Coastal Highway Improvement Project (NCHIP).

According to the NWA, traffic lights have been installed at the Coral Gardens and Spot Valley intersections and the intersections in the vicinity of the Shoppes of Rose Hall complex and the Half Moon Resort. The signals at these intersections will be activated on Sunday May, 10. 

To date, the Agency has sought to improve the safety and ease with which persons use the corridor by signalizing six other intersections. These include the Flankers, Providence, Morgan Road and Barrett Town intersections. The intersections in the vicinity of the Ritz Carlton Resort and Spa and the Palmyra Resort have also been signalized. The traffic light at the Palmyra Resort will be commissioned into service as soon as the resort opens its doors.

Segment 2A of the Northern Coastal Highway Improvement Project (NCHIP) involved the widening and realignment of the twenty seven kilometer (27 km) stretch between Greenside in Trelawny and Montego Bay in St. James, thirteen of which are dualised. The roadway has been equipped with two underpasses, one each for the Half Moon and Rose Hall Resorts, numerous accesses, Bus Bays, junctions and improved drainage structures and safety features. The project was undertaken at a cost of fifty million United States dollars ($US 50 million).