NWA closes the Fern Gully with immediate effect

Date Published: 
16 Dec 2015

The National Works Agency (NWA), is advising motorists that the main road from Colegate to Hopewell (Fern Gully) in St Ann is closed to all vehicles with immediate effect. This is as a result of an oil spill caused by a bus which has caught fire while traversing that roadway.  The bus has been totally destroyed.

Manager of Communication and Customer Services at the NWA, Stephen Shaw says that the NWA is mobilising a work crew to respond to the situation which has affected a large section of the roadway including some drains where the oil spill has begun to enter. 

Mr Shaw says the scope of works for reinstatement involves trapping and mopping the oil and washing of the roadway before the area can be considered safe for motorists.  He says reopening of the roadway is therefore not expected for the next 48 hours.