NWA wrapping up $29 million-dollar road works in Port Royal

Date Published: 
23 Jan 2020
The National Works Agency is now completing rehabilitation works valued at some $29- million dollars in Port Royal as well as major roadways leading into the township. The infrastructural works, which commenced earlier this month include drainage improvement, road repair and bushing activities. NWA Communication Manager, Stephen Shaw lists a number of locations that have received attention as part of the works to include the replacement of defective drain gratings along Canon, Cagway and Broad Streets as well as Port Royal Road in the vicinity of the Norman Manley Airport. A fifth grating is to be replaced over a critical drain at New Street. In excess of 8000 square kilometers of rutted roadway has been repaired under the programme, with works extending to the major access roads of Sir Florizel and Norman Manley Boulevards, Mountainview Avenue and Windward Road. The NWA’s works in Port Royal is scheduled to be wrapped up before the end of the month. The physical infrastructure in Port Royal continues to be improved following the maiden birth of a cruise ship at the township’s newly-constructed floating pier on Monday.