Road Closure Notice for Kew, Hanover

Date Published: 
16 Apr 2020

The National Works Agency (NWA) is advising commuters that a section of the Kew roadway in Hanover, in the vicinity of the old Kew Bridge, will be temporarily closed to vehicular traffic tommorrow, Friday April 17, 2020 commencing at 7:00 am . This closure will remain in effect until Saturday April 18,2020.


Community Relations Officer for the NWA’s Western Region, Janel Ricketts, says the roadway is being closed to facilitate the replacement of a defective culvert. Ms Ricketts says that following the replacement of the culvert the roadway willl be reinstated.


During the period of closure, motorists travelling from the direction of Kew towards Jericho and from the direction of Lucea to Jericho may travel via Mosquitto Cove.


The project will be executed by local contractor, Maxwell Construction at a cost of $1.9 million.