Road Improvement Works for the KMR and St. Thomas

Date Published: 
08 Dec 2015

A patching and sidewalk improvement project is scheduled to get underway along roadways in the Kingston Metropolitan Region this Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The three week project is expected to be completed by the end of December and is being undertaken through joint funding from the National Works Agency’s Capita ‘A” 2015/2016 budget and the Tourism Enhancement Fund.

The project involves the repair of sidewalks in New Kingston and Stony Hill as well as patching along the Brandon Hill main road in St. Andrew and the section of road between Grants Pen and Golden Grove in St. Thomas.

Approximately 5,000 M2 of patching and 1,200 M2 of sidewalk repairs will be carried out by National Works Agency Force Account Teams costing $12.4 million.