Roadworks for Mandeville township this weekend

Date Published: 
10 Feb 2023


The National Works Agency is advising motorists that traffic movements will be curtailed in a section of Mandeville, Manchester this weekend. The NWA is now working on a multi-million dollar traffic improvement plan for the town. The plan involves the widening of some intersections and the installation of new traffic signals.

Manager, Communication and Customer Services at the NWA, Stephen Shaw says that work now taking place at the intersections of New Green Road and Caledonia Road and Caledonia Road and Main Street will impact traffic on Sunday. The intersections at the two locations are being widened to facilitate easier maneuvers by especially large vehicles. The road in the vicinity of the activities will therefore be reduced to single lane traffic between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

Mr. Shaw says that the works that are valued at some $45 – million will also include the creation of a one-way system along Caledonia Road. The one-way system will flow from west to east or from the direction of the Scotiabank towards New Green Road. Median barriers at some locations will be removed, while others will be made smaller.

The public is being advised to obey the posted signs and instructions of the flag-persons when using the affected roads over this weekend.