Works will continue tomorrow night (Saturday, September 5) to complete repairs to the Rochester Gully Bridge which is located near Bronzewing Avenue along Washington Boulevard, in St. Andrew. As such Washington Boulevard will be closed in the vicinity of the Rubis service station near Ziadie Gardens at 10 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 6.
National Works Agency (NWA) Communications Manager, Stephen Shaw, explains that the time is sufficient to complete works which actually commenced last weekend. He says the activities will involve the replacement of defective bolts which are located between the bridge deck and the beams on which it sits.
Over time the bridge parts have become worn, increasing the stress on the bridge infrastructure. The deck plates of the bridge will be removed to facilitate the replacement of the bolts.
Tomorrow Washington Boulevard’s westbound lanes (heading towards Six Miles) between the Cowper Drive and Zaidie Avenue intersections will be closed to vehicular traffic. These motorists will be diverted onto one lane of the eastbound carriageway while eastbound traffic (heading towards Red Hills Road) will continue to have use of two lanes.
During the period of closure, motorists are reminded to exercise caution in the vicinity of the works and to obey the instructions of posted warning signs.