State Minister Meets with Technical Team, Emergency Works Underway in St. Mary

Date Published: 
22 Dec 2014

Hon. Richard Azan, Minister of State, Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing following site visits to St. Mary and Portland over the weekend met with a Technical Team today to carry out flood damage assessment of the areas affected by days of heavy rains and flash flooding up to Saturday December 20, 2014.

Minister Azan says the meeting was held with the Technical Team to prepare a detailed assessment of the damage to roadways and road furniture, which will be submitted to the Cabinet. He says that designs will have to be done and approval for funding given to undertake emergency works.

The State Minister says that in the meantime works continue to reopen blocked roads and restore access to communities. He says that approval has been given to undertake emergency works to the abutments of Tryall Bridge in St. Mary, which were badly scoured. The Tryall Pedestrian Bridge which was washed away some time ago will be reconstructed. The Minister says funding has been secured and construction will commence after the holiday period.

Minister Azan says he is asking for the patience of all affected residents and is advising motorists and pedestrians to use all roadways with caution during the holiday period