Temporary Closure of Roadways in Downtown Kingston

Date Published: 
02 Apr 2007

The National Works Agency is advising motorists that the following roadways in downtown Kingston will be closed to vehicular traffic tomorrow; Tuesday, April 03 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
The roadways are:

  • Tower Street between South Camp Road and Fleet Street.
  • Fleet Street between Tower Street and Barry Street.
  • Barry Street between Fleet Street and Duke Street.
  • Georges Lane between Barry Street and Tower Street.
  • Tower Street between Georges Lane and Johns Lane and
  • Johns Lane between Tower Street and Barry Street.

Closure of the roadways is to facilitate reinstatement works being carried out by FLOW Jamaica Limited.
Motorists are asked to obey the instructions of flag persons and posted warning signs while work is in progress.