Traffic Changes for Falmouth, Trelawny

Date Published: 
13 Dec 2019
  In a bid to manage the increased flow of traffic during the festive season, the National Works Agency (NWA) is advising that a new one way system will be implemented along Market Street and Georges Street in Falmouth, Trelawny. The changes will come into effect on December 17, 2019 and will remain in effect for the duration of the Yuletide season.   Community Relations Officer for the National Works Agency Western Region, Janel Ricketts, says that the changes will affect the section of Market Street between the Falmouth market and the intersection with Trelawny Street. Georges Street will be converted to a one way, travelling in an easterly direction, from Market Street onto Tharpe Street and also from Crooked Street onto Tharpe Street.   This new one way system will primarily impact commuters exiting the town and is expected to make for a better flow of traffic.   Ms Ricketts says that motorists travelling from Falmouth, towards the direction of the North Coast Highway, may travel via Harbour Street and then traverse the new roadway which was constructed in the vicinity of Gate 5 of the Falmouth Pier.   In a further bid to mitigate congestion during the festive season Tharpe Street and Duke Street have been designated as no parking corridors. Parking will however, be permitted along sections of Market Street.