Traffic Changes for Flankers Main Road Montego Bay

Date Published: 
02 Mar 2007

Effective this Sunday March 4 the National Works Agency will be introducing traffic changes along the Flankers main road in Montego Bay, St. James for one month. The original Flankers main road will become one-way for motorists heading in a westerly direction and the newly constructed Flankers road, which forms part of Segment 2A of the North Coast Highway, will be one-way for motorists travelling in an easterly direction.

Manager of Communication and Customer Services at the National Works Agency, Stephen Shaw says motorists traveling from the direction of Rose Hall will be expected to use the old road to get to down town Montego Bay, while motorists traveling from down town Montego Bay will use the newly constructed road.

Mr Shaw says that motorists residing in the Flankers community and wishing to travel in the direction of Rose Hall, can travel westerly to the Airport roundabout and then along the new road to Rose Hall.
These changes are being implemented to address the growing traffic congestion in Montego Bay. It is envisaged that this new system will relieve the congestion and ease traffic flow.