The National Works Agency (NWA) will be implementing traffic changes in the town of Santa Cruz, St Elizabeth, come Monday, December 17. The changes are to facilitate the conversion of the town’s Main Street into a one-way.
As at Monday, Main Street, Santa Cruz will only accommodate vehicles travelling westerly between Institution Drive and Market Street. The flow will therefore cater to motorists entering the town from the direction of Mandeville. As a result of the change, motorists will not be able to turn right on to Main Street from Coke Drive.
Motorists seeking to enter Main Street, Santa Cruz, from the direction of Lacovia, will be redirected along the Santa Cruz Bypass to make a right turn on to Main Street from Retirement Road. Motorists wishing to travel towards Malvern may use Retirement Road or travel to the end of the Santa Cruz Bypass, turn right at the Gasmart Gas Station and then left on to Centre Road.
The one-way system will operate between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. from Mondays to Saturdays. However on Sundays, the roadway will accommodate two-way traffic flow. Main Street will revert to regular two-way traffic on Monday, January 7, 2019.
The traffic changes and turning restrictions form part of the NWA’s overall efforts to effectively manage the traffic flow and reduce congestion in a number of major towns during the heightened activities of the Christmas season.