Traffic changes take effect in Mandeville, Manchester on Sunday

Date Published: 
08 Dec 2023
  Effective Sunday, December 10, 2023, new traffic arrangements will be in effect for the town of Mandeville. The changes will come on the completion of a near 75 – million dollar traffic improvement programme, implemented by the National Works Agency (NWA). Come Sunday, Caledonia Road will function as a one-way corridor from the direction of Scotiabank to the New Green Road intersection. Currently, Caledonia Road operates as a two-way corridor, however, this will no longer be permitted. The section of Manchester Road, between Scotiabank and Sinclair’s Bargain Centre, will also be converted into a one-way stretch. Other changes through the Mandeville Traffic Management Improvement Plan is the opening of the median along Main Street to allow traffic from North Race Course Road and at Villa Road. Both of these intersections have been signalized. Manager, Communication and Customer Services at the NWA, Stephen Shaw says that all is in place for the plan to take effect on Sunday. Some road markings and laying of kerbs will be done at that time as part of the implementation process. Under the programme of works, the NWA has improved the intersections at Caledonia and Main Street, New Green Road and Caledonia Road, North Race Course Road and Caledonia Road and South Race Course and Caledonia Road. Pedestrian lights have also been erected at the entrance to the Mandeville Hospital and the Mandeville Primary and Junior High School.