Traffic signals to be commissioned into service for students along Spanish Town Road

Date Published: 
17 Feb 2016

Effective tomorrow, Thursday, February 18, 2016, a new set of traffic signals will be in operation along Spanish Town Road in St. Andrew. The new signals have been installed at the entrance to the St. Andrew Technical High School.

Manager, Communication and Customer Services at the NWA, Stephen Shaw says that the planned commissioning of the traffic lights on Thursday forms part of the government’s overall strategy of improving safety in the vicinity of facilities with high vehicular and pedestrian movements.

The new signals have been equipped with pedestrian features, which should make it safer for persons, especial students to cross the very busy Spanish Town Road.

Mr. Shaw says that the NWA has another six locations where traffic signals will be in operation within the next month. These locations include the entrances to the University Hospital of the West Indies and the University of Technology, along Hope Road, St. Andrew.

He says that the NWA is also simultaneously working to replace old traffic signal equipment at several intersections in the Corporate Area as part of its traffic management strategy. A key feature of this plan will see the NWA being able to view traffic movements through all signalized intersections. This will assist the Agency in making real time decisions as it relate to the movement of traffic.

Among the areas where the NWA has already replaced outdated equipment are the intersections of Hope Road and Trafalgar Road; Old Hope Road and Oxford Road and at Half Way Tree Road/Oxford Road.