Two-hour closure of May Pen Bridge, Clarendon tomorrow

Date Published: 
31 Jan 2020

The May Pen Bridge, in Clarendon, will be closed tomorrow Saturday, February 1 to facilitate emergency repairs between 10 a.m. and 12 midday.

National Works Agency (NWA) Communication and Customer Services Manager, Stephen Shaw explains that a full closure of the bridge is required as its driving lanes are narrow and cannot accommodate traffic while the works are being done.

The NWA, through a work crew will be removing badly rutted sections of the carriageway that will then be repaved. During the closure no vehicles will be able to enter or leave the town of May Pen using the bridge.

Motorists wanting to enter the town should continue along the Bustamante Highway onto Glenmuir Road and Anderson Drive. The reverse obtains for those who wish to travel east of May Pen towards Old Harbour and Spanish Town.

The NWA is urging motorists to begin to factor in the traffic change in their travel plans for tomorrow. The Agency apologizes for the inconvenience the closure may cause some road users and discourages motorists from attempting to use the area as this may result in a buildup of traffic. The Police will be assisting with traffic management.