The National Works Agency (NWA) is advising motorists to expect traffic delays along the Palisadoes (Airport) Road as of Wednesday, February 8, 2012. This, as the NWA closes a section of the northbound lane along the Palisadoes roadway.
Manager of Communication and Customer Services at the NWA, Stephen Shaw, says the closure will be in effect for a period of three (3) months, commencing 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 8 and ending on Monday, May 7, 2012.
Mr. Shaw says this three-month closure of the Palisadoes (Airport) Road is necessary to facilitate ongoing works under the US$65-million Project to rehabilitate and protect the Palisadoes shoreline.
Motorists travelling westerly along the Palisadoes road, i.e., from the direction of the Airport Round-About towards Harbour View, will be diverted left, onto the newly constructed (marled) detour, located on the Harbour-side of the roadway.
The detour spans a distance of approximately 1.3 kilometres (ending at approximately 3 kilometres from the Harbour View Round-About), where traffic will then be redirected onto the pre-existing roadway.
Those motorists travelling from the direction of the Harbour View Round-About, towards the Airport, will travel in the southernmost (i.e. far right) lane, for the distance of the diversion.
The National Works Agency is advising motorists to obey the instructions of posted warning signs and flag persons deployed along the roadway during the period of closure.