Pot Hole Patching along Mandela Highway, St. Catherine

Date Published: 
15 Oct 2015

On Thursday, October 15, 2015, the National Works Agency (NWA) will continue its programme of Hot Mix patching in the Kingston Metropolitan Region with the patching of potholes along the Mandela Highway in St. Catherine.


Approximately 440M2 of patching is scheduled to be carried out. The repairs will begin at Six Miles in St. Andrew, commencing at 9:00 a.m. and continue along the West bound lane of the highway to the vicinity of the Jose Marti Round-a-bout in St. Catherine.


Manager Communication and Customer Services at the National Works Agency Stephen Shaw says that an Agency Force Account Team will carry out this patching project which is scheduled to be completed by 4:00 p.m. Motorists are therefore being advised to expect minor delays during the period of these works.


Since January this year, the NWA has addressed through patching some forty (40) corridors in Kingston, St. Andrew and St. Catherine. Approximately 40,000 square metres of patching has been completed. Among the corridors addressed are Hagley Park Road, Constant Spring Road, roads in New Kingston, Spanish Town Road, Molynes Road, Hope Road and Old Hope Road.