Ward River Bridge to be demolished

Date Published: 
29 Mar 2016

The National Works Agency (NWA) today started work to replace the Ward River Bridge in St. Thomas. The structure which is located along the main road between Morant Bay and Port Morant is one of several structures that are to be replaced during 2016.

Manager, Communication and Customer Services at the NWA, Stephen Shaw says that during the next few days contractors will be establishing the site office and installing public facilities. Come next Monday, work is expected to commence on establishing a detour for use by motorists.

Mr. Shaw says that the scope of the works for this 57.6 million dollar project will involve the demolition of the bridge now in use, driving of piles, river protected works, construction of approach roads and the installation of a new 17 meters long bridge.

The new bridge will facilitate two lanes of vehicular traffic, as well as sidewalks and should be completed in six months.

In the meantime, the NWA is also gearing up to replace the Leith Hall Bridge, which is also in a state of disrepair. Negotiations are far advance for this structure to be replaced.

Mr. Shaw says work continues on the Harbour Bridge, which was taken out of service last year, after it partially collapsed. Work on the structures form part of the multi-billion dollar, Major Development Infrastructure Programme (MIDP).