Motorists using Constant Spring Road should brace for delays in the vicinity of the Marketplace on Constant Spring Road this evening. The delays are as a result of a section of roadway being reduced to single lane traffic following an embankment failure on the south-bound side, heading towards Half Way Tree, in the vicinity of the Rubis Gas Station.
Communication and Customer Services Manager at the National Works Agency (NWA), Stephen Shaw says the newly paved roadway has been undermined by malfunctioning National Water Commission (NWC) pipelines causing a section of the roadway to collapse. He says technical teams from the NWA and NWC are working to resolve this situation in the shortest possible time.
The NWA is advising motorists to use alternative routes, where possible, and to exercise extreme caution while using the roadway in the vicinity of the failure.
In the meantime, the NWC is also working to repair a broken water main at Manor Park, St. Andrew, which resulted in a traffic pile-up since this morning.
It is expected that the repairs to this line will be completed by the end of this evening.