Come Monday, December 9, 2019 motorists using the Mandela Highway will no longer be able to turn directly from the highway onto Tom Cringle Drive. The median at the intersection will be closed permanently to improve safety and eliminate delays caused by the temporary traffic signals.
Communication and Customer Services Manager at the National Works Agency (NWA), Stephen Shaw, says to access Tom Cringle Drive, the Ferry and Plantation Heights communities, motorists should simply continue along the Mandela Highway and use the overpass bridge and service road. The Tom Cringle Drive intersection will continue to operate as a signal-controlled junction to maintain safety.
The roadway leading directly from Spanish Town Road onto Washington Boulevard at Six Miles will also be permanently closed. The closure is being effected to eliminate the unsafe manouevre from Spanish Town Road onto Washington Boulevard, which also causes significant delays to westbound evening traffic along the Boulevard.
As at Monday, to get onto Washington Boulevard from Spanish Town Road at Six Miles, motorists will have to travel onto the Mandela Highway and use the overpass bridge and service road to turnaround. Alternatively, motorists may use Weymouth Drive to access Washington Boulevard.
The public is advised to continue to obey the posted speed limits of the corridors and observe all regulatory and directional signs.