Traffic Changes being implemented as part of Corporate Area Traffic Management Plan

Date Published: 
12 Feb 2020

In a bid to improve the movement of traffic in and around the Corporate Area, the National Works Agency (NWA) is now moving to implement traffic changes and restrictions as part of the Hagley Park Road and Constant Spring Road Improvements. One such change is the restriction of left and right turn movements from Hagley Park Road onto Keesing Avenue, which will now only accommodate one way traffic.

Manager of Communication and Customer Services at the NWA, Stephen Shaw explains that Keesing Avenue will now allow two lanes of traffic travelling towards Hagley Park Road and markings and signs have already been implemented reflecting this change.  Mr. Shaw says that persons wishing to access Keesing Avenue can do so from the direction of Waltham Park Road. He says similar changes will be implemented along Elspeth Avenue in coming weeks.

Mr. Shaw further states that movement from Central Avenue onto Constant Spring Road will also be restricted, and while it will remain a two way corridor, traffic will only be able to access the roadway from Constant Spring Road. Motorists travelling along Central Avenue with the intent of accessing Constant Spring Road will be able to do so via West Avenue.

In the meantime, the NWA is also reviewing traffic changes and restrictions that were implemented as part of the closure of the Three Miles Intersection during the execution of the Hagley Park Road Improvement Project. Mr. Shaw says that changes are possible in this regard and that the public will be duly informed. He also stated that outside of these changes discussions are now underway in relation to the movement of traffic within the Half Way Tree area.

As the changes are implemented motorists are being advised to obey the instructions of road markings and corresponding signs.