Heavy rains in Dover, St. Mary have hampered emergency works to replace a defective culvert along a section of the North Coast Highway. The works which were originally planned for the weekend had to be rescheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, February 25 and Wednesday, February 26.
The Highway will be reduced to single lane traffic in the vicinity of the works over the two days. Communication and Customer Services Manager at the National Works Agency (NWA), Stephen Shaw says the travel restriction will be in force from 9 a.m. on Tuesday until 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
He is reminding motorists that the roadway will be excavated and as such is cautioning that they reduce their speed when approaching the work site. The reinstatement of the roadway will follow at a later time.
Meanwhile, the NWA is reminding road users of the scheduled two-week travel restriction along a section of the Junction Road also in St. Mary. The restriction which begins tomorrow, Tuesday, February 25 will apply to the area between Broadgate and the Westmoreland Bridge and goes from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily including public holidays and weekends.
The roadway through Grandie Hole and the North-South Highway are the recommended alternative routes during the period.