General Road Repairs and Maintenance

Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Workmen repairing Old Harbour Square
Parish Road Section Project Type Road Type Status
St. Catherine Commodore Road Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Pending
St. Catherine Cumberland Road Patching NWA 98%
St. Catherine Cumberland Road Periodic Maintenance NWA Pending
St. Catherine Dark Hole to Brick Hut Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Pending
St. Catherine Dempshire Pen Road Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Pending
St. Catherine Devon Close Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Pending
St. Catherine Ewarton to Worthy Park Road Rehabilitation NWA 2%
St. Catherine Ewarton to Worthy Park Road Rehabilitation NWA 30%
St. Catherine Fairfield Road Periodic Maintenance NWA Pending
St. Catherine Fairview Park Housing Scheme Road Rehabilitation Parish Council Pending
