Glossary of Terms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
Warning Sign Warns the road user of hazards / danger, e.g. Road junction, bends, corner, railway crossing, slippery when wet, road narrows, narrow bridge. Signs which are placed on the roadside to inform the public of dangers.  
Wash-down Silt Debris with water that comes onto the road from any embankment.
Wheel Load It is the weight a vehicle transfers through successive layers of pavement (e.g. Base- course, sub- base, etc.)
White Lining Centre line marking, stop line marks, pedestrian crossing, etc.
Wing Walls Walls which are at the side of the abutment and part of it.
Work Evaluation Its purpose is to ensure that the maintenance programmes are executed as planned.
Works Something done or produced.
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